Useful Links

The internet is an unrivaled source of information on everything and anything. We have discovered some interesting websites which you might find of use, in addition to the pet information we provide on our site.

Cats ProtectionCats Protection rescues and rehomes unwanted and abandoned cats, and promotes responsible cat ownership.
The Kennel ClubThis site aims to provide you with information you may need to be a responsible pet owner and to help keep your pet safe and contented.
Kennet District CouncilProviding information for the residents of Kennet.
Wildlife Hospital TrustIf you need advice on sick or injured wildlife please call: 01844 292 292 (24 hours)
Pet Bereavement Support LineThe Pet Bereavement Support Service is a telephone support line that offers support to bereaved pet owners, through a national network of trained volunteer Telephone Befrienders: 0800 096 6606
The Blue CrossBritain's Pet Charity
PDSAPDSA cares for the pets of needy people by providing free veterinary services to their sick and injured animals and by promoting responsible pet ownership.
RSPCAWebsite for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
The Dogs TrustFounded in 1891, Dogs Trust, formerly known as the NCDL, has always campaigned on dog-welfare related issues to ensure a safe and happy future for our four-legged friends.
The Pet PassportThe Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) is the system that allows pet dogs, cats and ferrets from certain countries to enter the UK without quarantine as long as they meet the rules.
Wiltshire Wildlife RescueCaring for wildlife from wiltshire and the surrounding counties 24hrs a day, 365 days a year.