
Edward trained as a veterinary surgeon in Belgium. After six years of conventional practice he discovered Homeopathy. He attended courses at a French and later a Belgian homeopathy school to become a fully qualified classical homeopath. He has presented Homeopathy at the Veterinary College in Ghent to several different groups of conventional colleagues. He was one of the speakers of the International Homeopathy congress in the South of Belgium.

Edward offers classical homeopathy for who require this approach.

The aim of this technique is to find a remedy for each patient to which they are particular sensitive. After administration of such a remedy, the patient's sensitivity will change so that their reactivity becomes more efficient. As a consequence, the patient acquires the possibility to overcome many of his acute and chronic problems with as a result improvement and disappearance of some or many of his symptoms, diseases or other sufferings. The degree and duration of improvement depends on the suitability of the selected remedy.

In contrast to the conventional medicine, homeopathy is not a prescription directed at the disease; the prescription is aimed at the patient in his totality (holistic medicine). The reaction of the patient to the remedy works as the trigger that compels patients to solve their problems. Because every patient is different, when a homeopathic prescription is requested, this has to be adapted to the individual patient.

After a thorough consultation, Edward decides what makes the patient special or unique to decide on the most appropriate remedy for the case. After administration of the remedy, based on the patient’s reaction, a decision is made whether the remedy needs to be renewed or changed. In some cases very efficient remedies are found on the first attempt, in other cases several attempts are made before the result can be judged satisfactory.

Although it is common to hear about healing through the peeling of the layers of the onion to access to the core of the individual problem, this is not the purpose of classical homeopathy. The observation that sometimes many consultations are needed before a truly long- lasting homoeopathically accepted result is obtained is due to that it can take time before the combination patient - client- homeopath delivers the special information that can be translated in a true homeopathic prescription.

A homeopathic prescription means the following: it is the administration of a remedy that eliminates the patient's disease and suffering, rapidly, smoothly and for a long duration (months, years). When such results are obtained, clients are always surprised to see their animal change for the better in their totality even in cases where diseases are considered untreatable or incurable; the more serious the disease the more appropriate the prescription will need to be. Disease is always the consequence of the reaction to something in their surroundings. Homeopathy aims at improving the quality of this reaction to the highest possible standards. Given the right information (homeopathic remedy), what has gone wrong in a patient can be put right again. The amazing results that can be obtained make it worth pursuing with homeopathy regardless the difficulty of the application of its principals and the effort and patience of this sometimes requires.

Generally the more strange the affection of your animal, the more likely the homeopath will rapidly find a solution. Common diseases present often a higher degree of difficulty.

Homeopathy should never be a platform for criticism towards conventional medicine; both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. Homeopathy should be considered as a fantastic possibility to find an elegant long-term solution for the troubles of your preferred pet

Wishing the best of health to your pets.

For more information go to http://www.1-4homeopathy.com/